435,24 TL
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Garanti Süresi
24 Ay
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Cherub Strumtune iPhone, iTouch ve iPad için çoklu tuner ve metronom uygulamasıdır. Bu bir yılı aşkın süre App Store' lardan indirilmekte olup kullanıcılar arasında pratik, ucuz ve güvenilir kullanım imajı sağlamıştır. StrumtuneTM ve kullanıcı deneyimini geliştirmek ve benzer ürünler arasında lider konumunu korumak için, Cherub 2013 başında Strumtune TM Sturm (polifonik) modunu yükseltmiştir. Cherub GB2i - iPhone/iPad için Gitar Arayüzü Cherub Technology’s Strumtune™ is a multifunction digital tuner, tone generator and metronome for the iPhone. Featuring a host of tuning styles, Strumtune calls upon Cherub’s more than 14 year experience in tuner development to make it the most accurate tuner in the iPhone App market. The Strumtune™ turns your iPhone into a 3-in-1 Metro-tuner, the kind that Cherub has become world renowned for producing for many years. ACCESSORIES Its too loud to use the iPhone’s mic? No Problem. Simply plug your instrument directly into the iPhone using the Cherub GB2i Guitar/Bass/ iPhone converter. Keep it inline with the THRU jack. You need a little personal time with your instrument? Plug your earphones into the mini earphone jack and start creating. Strumtune was developed by Cherub Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, China.“One Strum, & You’re Done” FEATURES: METRONOME Classic mechanical metronome interface Six time signatures: 2/4,3/4, 4/4, 5/4 and 6/8 Downbeat indicator: On/ Off . Female voice count TUNER Two styles of display: Classic Analog Needle and Strum Tuner™ Polyphonic Tuner Supports multiple instruments including Guitar, Bass, Violin, & Ukulele Chromatic, Guitar, Bass, Violin, Ukulele Guitar & Bass mode only: Flat tuning up to 4 semitones/Open G/Drop D Extended tuning range: A0 to C8 A4 calibration from 430 Hz to 450 Hz TONE GENERATOR Chromatic, Guitar, Bass, Violin, Ukulele Guitar & Bass mode only: Flat tuning up to 4 semitones/Open G/Drop D A4 calibration from 430 Hz to 450 Hz REQUIREMENTS Internal mic (iPhone, iPad), apple earphones with microphone or external interface device (GB2i Converter iPhone, iPad ,or iPod Touch), another iPhone-compatible instrument cable.
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